Omega Scientific Publishers, New Delhi. 2001, pp 232. Rs 450/US
$35 (Hardcover)
It is a comprehensive book, which provides a detailed and clear understanding of the
execution process of a watershed project through a technical and social perspective. The
author has been successful in highlighting the details, which need to be looked into
before and while executing a watershed project.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part looks into physical and engineering
aspects of a watershed. The introductory chapter describes the basic concept of watershed
and provides an overview of all the areas, which need to be understood before taking up
the execution work. Chapters on hydrology, geohydrology provides adequate information on
rain, groundwater and their related aspects. The author has made a successful attempt in
furnishing technical details, which is easy to comprehend. Other technical issues for
instance, soil and capability class, soil and water conservation practice, water retention
structures and afforestation in watersheds are dealt in successive chapters. Some more
figures and photographs in chapters like soil and water conservation practice and water
retention structures could have been included. The second part of the book deals with
project formulation its implementation and management. This section has highlighted all
the crucial phases of a watershed project. Phases like project formulation and management,
development of project proposals, implementation strategy and an overview of watershed
management in India have been covered. The information given in this section should have
been a little more exhaustive.
The book is handy for beginners, practitioners, and students alike because the language
is simple. An interesting reading. The reasonable cost of the book makes it all the more