APRIL 3, 2001Biggest rogue of them all
The world should declare
the US a rogue nation for this act of extreme selfishness. And the Indian government
should stop being a pushover.
Oilman and US president G. W. Bush made
it clear last week that the US, responsible for about 25 per cent of the world's carbon
dioxide emissions, has no intention of presenting the Kyoto Protocol to the US senate for
ratification, since it is not in the country's "best interest". This act of
extreme selfishness condemns vulnerable developing countries to human and economic losses
in the future. A report released in February 2001 by an intergovernmental panel on
scientists confirmed that developing countries will suffer the most from global warming,
not only because they are situated in more vulnerable regions, but also because they lack
the capacity to deal with natural disasters.
The Centre for Science and Environment has long argued that the world lacks democratic
mechanisms, which hold rich and powerful nations accountable when they default on their
commitments. Now, the world is at a loss over how to hold the US accountable. The US uses
trade sanctions to 'punish' countries it accuses of being environmental 'free riders' --
but the developing countries, which are likely to suffer most from climate change impacts,
are in no position to retaliate in kind.
As European governments step up efforts to talk the US out of this extreme position, India
and many other developing countries that will be victims of climate change have remained
silent. Perhaps they fear ruining relationships with the new US administration. But
becoming doormats simply to appease a more economically powerful nation will be a costly
If past negotiations are any indication, India faces the danger of becoming the
sacrificial lamb the world offers to placate Bush and make the protocol more acceptable to
him. One of the objections raised by Bush and his industry cronies to the Kyoto Protocol
is that the treaty does not require emissions cuts from countries such as India and China,
and is therefore 'unfair' to the US. Mr. Bush must be firmly put in his place by
governments of developing nations, and emphatically reminded that the US has enjoyed years
of unrestrained industrialisation, thus contributing heavily to 'historical emissions'.
Even today, the per capita 'luxury' emissions of one US citizen are equal to the
'survival' emissions of 19 Indians.
The US has used the threat of non-ratification as a tactic before, first as a means of
driving down reduction targets in Kyoto, and then as a way of ensuring that even those
reductions are met with the least economic burden on the country. In the process, the
Kyoto Protocol has been turned into a disaster, which is unlikely to have much impact on
the global warming problem.
Already, indirect methods are being used to make developing countries cut emissions even
though they have no commitments under the protocol. Northern non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) are putting pressure on their governments to stop World Bank funding
for fossil fuel projects in the South. The hypocrisy of this position stands exposed at a
point when Bush has clearly stated that the US will not ratify the treaty. The US depends
on coal for more than 50 per cent of its electricity supply, and the Bush government
clearly has no plans to change this scenario.
By refusing to ratify the protocol, Bush seems to imply that multilateral negotiations and
commitments no longer hold meaning for the US. If this is the case, then the US has no
moral right to interfere, as it does, in the affairs of other countries, under the guise
of promoting 'democracy'. What could be more undemocratic than poor countries that have
contributed little to the global warming problem suffering the most because the rich
believe action would 'compromise their lifestyles'?
Comparison of
per capita emissions of USA and South Asia
Country |
per capita emissions(tC) |
No. of citizens equivalent to 1
US citizen |
1990 |
1996 |
1990 |
1996 |
5.18 |
5.37 |
1 |
1 |
Bangladesh |
0.04 |
0.05 |
130 |
107 |
Bhutan |
0.02 |
0.04 |
259 |
134 |
India |
0.22 |
0.29 |
24 |
19 |
Maldives |
0.19 |
0.31 |
27 |
17 |
Nepal |
0.01 |
0.02 |
518 |
269 |
Pakistan |
0.16 |
0.18 |
32 |
30 |
Srilanka |
0.06 |
0.11 |
86 |
49 |
Note: tC:
tonnes of carbon
For more
information on the impacts of climate change on India, see attached documents. For further
information, contact Anju Sharma . Phones:29955124, 29955125 |