The Kyoto Protocol
What does it really say?
CSE Briefing Paper 1 To understand the Kyoto Protocol (KP), adopted in Kyoto on
December 11, 1997, it is important to read it together with the Framework Convention on
Climate Change (FCCC). The following paragraphs explain what the Kyoto Protocol says and,
where necessary, the relevant articles of the FCCC have been quoted. And, wherever
possible, the implications of the various clauses of the Kyoto Protocol have been drawn
out, especially from the point of view of developing countries.
The preamble to the Kyoto Protocol states that the
Protocol has been developed to meet the ultimate objective of the FCCC as
stated in its Article 2. The objective of the FCCC is "to achieve....stabilisation
of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent
anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within
a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to
ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to
proceed in a sustainable manner."
Guiding Principles
The preamble further states that the development of KP has been guided by the Article 3 of
FCCC. The Article 3 of the FCCC lists the following guiding principles, among others:
- Nations which have become a party to the FCCC will take action to
protect the climate system keeping in mind the following:
- the benefits of present and future generations;
- equity; and,
- the common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities of nations.
Developed countries are expected to take the lead in combating climate change and its
adverse effects.
The special needs and circumstances of developing
countries will be given full consideration, especially the needs of those that are
particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, and those that would
have to bear a disproportionate or abnormal burden under the FCCC.
Signatories to the FCCC will take precautionary
measures keeping the following in mind:
where there are serious threats of serious or
irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty will not be used as a reason for
postponing such measures;
policies and measures to deal with climate change
will be cost-effective so as to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost; and,
these policies and measures should take into
account different socio-economic contexts, be comprehensive, cover all relevant sources,
sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases and adaptation, and cover all economic sectors.
Interested nations can cooperate amongst themselves to address climate change.
Nations have a right to, and should, promote
sustainable development. Policies and measures should be appropriate for the specific
conditions of each nation and should be integrated with national development programmes,
taking into account that economic development is essential for adopting measures to
address climate change.
Nations should cooperate to promote a supportive
and open international economic system so that there is sustainable economic growth in all
nations, especially developing countries, which will enable them to address climate change
in a better way. Measures taken to combat climate change, including unilateral ones,
should not lead to arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on
international trade.
Equity and common but differentiated
responsibilities are, therefore, important guiding principles of the Kyoto Protocol.
Article 1: Definitions
This article defines conference of parties, convention,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Montreal Protocol, parties present and voting,
party and party included in Annex 1.
A party included in Annex 1 means a nation included
in Annex 1 to the FCCC. These are developed countries and other nations which have
committed themselves to actions specifically provided under Article 4(2) of the FCCC.
These actions described under Article 4, sub-paragraphs 2(a) and 2(b) are:
adoption of national policies and measures and
implementation of corresponding measures to mitigate climate change by limiting their
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and protecting their sinks and reservoirs;
keeping other nations informed about their
policies and measures so that this information can be reviewed by the Conference of
Parties (CoP).
Sub-paragraph 4(2)(d) says that the COP will in the
light of best scientific information available review the commitments made under
sub-paragraphs 4(2)(a) and 4(2)(b) and adopt amendments to these commitments.
Sub-paragraph 4(2)(f) says that the CoP, no later
than December 31, 1998, will review the Annexes I and II and take decisions to amend them
with the approval of the nation concerned. This means that the CoP-4 to be held in
Buenos Aires could amend Annex I and II. Sub-paragraph 4(2)(g) says that any
nation can notify at any time it wishes that it is prepared to be bound by sub-paragraphs
4(2)(a) and 4(2)(b).
This means that nations can take on voluntary
commitments and join Annex I countries. |