Gobar Times and I
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There is a lot you can do with and for Gobar Times

write.gif (873 bytes) Write to us

Is there something you feel strongly about? Did you or someone you know do something for the environment? Do you have any opinions to share? Views on Gobar Times and Panditji? Just send it to across to us in the form of a letter, article, story, poem, drawing, photograph, activity, or just a line.

Ask Us panditgganesh.gif (3163 bytes)
If there is any question about the environment that you are hunting the answer for, just send a mail to panditji@cseindia.org. He'll definitely get back to you.
gtboy.gif (5771 bytes) Participate in contests
Almost every Gobar Times has a contest or two. Join in. Does it really matter if you win or lose? Or for that matter whether there is a prize or not?
Make a special issue make_issue.gif (3641 bytes)
Ask your school to get in touch with us and organise a Gobar Times workshop to develop your own special issue of GT!