(S) denotes premium
content for Down To Earth subscribers only
Sept. 2, 2003 - Unlocking cheaper medicines: The WTO paves
the way for greater access for the poor
1, 2003 - The name game:
EU wants to protect the names of its traditional products
31, 2003 - At a standstill: Outcome of the fourth and final mini-ministerial (S)
Aug. 15, 2003 - Indian chillies blocked in EU: Indian exporters of chilli products
are smarting. The EU has all but shut the door on them after recently detecting Sudan red
1, a carcinogenic industrial dye, in a consignment to France (S)
July 31, 2003 - Round 1 to USA: India's textile trade battle with the USA (S)
July 15, 2003 - Prescription for relief: The EU has
adopted a law that will provide 76 developing countries access to cheaper drugs (S)
July 15, 2003 - No common ground: The EUs attempt
to reform its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) comes a cropper (S)
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