The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) will become legally
binding on May 17, 2004. France, on February 17, became the 50th country to ratify the
treaty negotiated in 2001, which take the treaty into force. POPs are not soluble in water
and readily absorbed in fatty tissues. Linked to diseases such as cancer and damage to
nervous, reproductive and immune systems, these chemicals travel long distances and
concentrate in humans, other mammals, fish and predatory birds that are high up in the
food chain.
more information click here
More than 100 countries adopted a treaty on February 13 that aims to regulate ballast
water, the water carried in ships to provide it balance and stability. Ballast water
carries with it marine species that wreak havoc in foreign ecosystems once they are
introduced there. Marine aquatic alien species are believed to be one of the four biggest
threats to marine environments.
For more
information click here
These are tropical rainforests characterised with the persistent presence of cloud and
mist. They are huge repositories of several rare and endangered species and are a source
of water supplies to millions. Yet these forests are threatened by climate change and
human activities, says a recently released report of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP).
here to learn more
Download the report
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international green politics vital, says President more...