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Poverty is in the spotlight. Designated a "global challenge" to be addressed at WSSD, the plight of the world’s poor cannot be ignored at Johannesburg. Inspite of (and sometimes because of) the continued efforts of local and global finance institutions, poverty persists across the world. Currently, one in six people lives on less than US$1 per day, and this number is increasing. With such impoverishment, sustainable development remains only a dream.

icon.gif (870 bytes) Discussions to look for at WSSD:

-Consumption: Over-consumption by a rich minority is further impoverishing the poor majority. Can consumption limits be implemented and monitored?

-Debt relief: Southern nations will demand that aid packages include more grants and less conditional loans.

-Global governance: Delegates will discuss the future role of International Finance Institutions. Should a global anti-poverty organisation be created?

-Local focus: how can we empower local communities to combat poverty?