"Dear Prime Minister, stop listening to your
bureaucracy and start searching for solutions yourself. Make water everybodys
business. For those villagers who have learnt the value of the millennial Indian
tradition of managing their own water resources, even this drought has become manageable.
Life is bearable and the need to flee has gone down. And the people are proud of their
achievements. Decentralisation of water management will mean loss of power. It will
mean a lot of loss for pocket money, both for your political colleagues as
well as for a lot of bureaucrats."Down To Earth, January 15,
"Getting rid of the colonised mind is far more difficult than getting rid
of the colonisers themselves. The way in which our so-called highly prestigious
Indian Institutes of Technology and Roorkee University have only taught the Western models
makes me feel that they were keen to make our engineers the children of that
arch-colonialist Lord Macaulay, who wanted all of us to be like the British, instead of
making our engineers the children of Gandhi."
Editors page, Down To Earth, February 15, 2000
"Politicians must stop protecting their dinosaur-age oil and automobile
industries. It is imperative that the world tries to make the Kyoto Protocol both
ecologically and socially effective. The worlds poor who are not locked into a
fossil fuel economy and therefore, underutilise their share of the global atmospheric
space should be given entitlements to their share of the global commons."
Editors page, Down To Earth, March 15, 2000
"I am not just angry but livid with the political system and the media.
Our capable politicians did some public breast beating on young
Kumaramangalams untimely death and the media reported this ritual without any
He had a form of blood cancer. Having suffered from another form of cancer, I have some
idea of what it takes to deal with cancer. As an environmentalist, I have a deep interest
in the role of pollution, lifestyles and diets in its causation. But there was not one
substantive political statement or media report on how to deal with this horrible disease
on which there is nothing but a conspiracy of silence from the Government."
Conspiracy of Silence, The Hindu, September 24, 2000
"The latest of the world's moralisers is a group called
environmentalists, especially Western environmentalists. They must recognise that
there are fundamental flaws in using trade as a tool for controlling environmental
misbehaviour. The use of trade sanctions can be effective only if used by a powerful
country against a less powerful country. Can nations likely to be most affected by global
warming the Maldives and Bangladesh impose trade sanctions on the US and
expect to be effective?"
Editors page, Down To Earth, November 15, 2000
"It is possible to banish drought completely and in ten years
maximum if the government puts its mind to it. Drought is not a natural
disaster. It is truly a government made disaster. Rain water harvesting
is a powerful low-cost technology that can drought-proof our nation."
Briefing Paper to Parliamentarians and
State Legislators on Rainwater Harvesting, CSE, 2000