Water 1 Any land anywhere can be used to harvest rainwater
The fundamental reason: extend the fruits of the monsoon
The basic principle: Catch water where it falls
Water 2 Water Harvesting   watertop_06.jpg (1999 bytes)
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Compiled clippings

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Analysis and reports

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People, organisations

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Facts and figures

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Issue-wise details of Books and Documents reviewed by CatchWater

CatchWater issue Name of book Author Details

December 2001

The Rainwater Technology Handbook: Rainharvesting in Building

Klaus Koenig

Wilobrain, Germany
2001, pp 143

October 2001

Tanks of South India A Vaidyanathan

Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
2001, pp 178, Rs 490

April 2001 Making water everybody’s business: practice and policy of water harvesting Anil Agarwal, Sunita Narain and Indira Khurana (Editors)

Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
2000, pp 450, Rs 890 (hard bound); Rs 490 (paper back)

February 2001

Water Wisdom

Kunda Dixit and Bhim Subba

Panos Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal June 2000, pp 115

December 2000

Water: Charting a course for future Centre for Policy Research

Ramaswamy R Iyer

2000, pp 62

October 2000

Negotiating water rights Vistaar Publications

Bryan Randolph Bruns and Ruth S Meinzen-Dick (Editors)

2000, pp 394, Rs 475
August 2000 Rainwater Catchment Systems for Domestic Supply: Design, Construction and Implementation. John Gould and Erik Nissen - Petersen. 1999. Intermediate Technology Publications. Pp. 335
June 2000 Water in Kumaon: Ecology, Value, and Rights. Gopal K Kadekodi, KSR Murthy, Kireet Kumar HIMVIKAS Occasional Paper No. 13, G B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and development, Kosi - Katarmal, Almora. Pp 256
April 2000 Watershed management, guidelines for Indian Conditions E M Tideman  1999 (fifth reprint). Omega Scientific Publications, New Delhi. Pp. 372. Rs. 600
February 2000 Neglect and Restoration of Minor Irrigation Tanks in Krishna District, India Harnath Tadipally Maruthibala publishers, Nuzvid, India. Pp. 288
December 1999 Water Resources Management Institutions and Irrigation Development in India A Vaidyanathan 1999. Oxford University Press. New Delhi. Pp. 271. Rs. 595
Alternative Irrigation, The Promise of Runoff agriculture Christopher J Barrow 1999. Earthscan Publications Limited, London. Pp 172
October 1999 Pillar of Sand Can the Irrigation Miracle Last? Sandra Postal 1999. A Worldwatch Book WW Norten and Company, New York. Pp. 313.
August 1999 A Treatise on Rural, Municipal and Industrial Management. K S V G Murali Krishna 1998. EPA. Kakinada. Pp. 240. Price: Rs. 50.
Alternative Irrigation: The promise of runoff agriculture Christopher J. Barrow 1999. Earthscan Publications Ltd. London. Pp. 172. Price: 15.95 (British).
June 1999 Who Changes? – Institutionalizing participation in development. Blackburn James & Jeremy Holland (ed.) 1998. Intermediate Technology Publications. London. Pp. 259
Recent Concepts, Knowledge practices, and New Skills in Participatory Integrated Watershed Management. - Trainers resource book. Bhatta, Bal Ram. S R Chalise, A K Myint and P N Sharma. 1999. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), PWMTA, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) (UN) & Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management, Nepal. January. Pp. 169.
February 1999 A series of books documents on Tarun Bharat Singh (TBS) activities   All Books are available from: Tarun Bharat Sangh, Bhikampur, Thanagazi, Rajasthan: 301 022. India
Story of a Rivulet Arvari: From death to rebirth Jashbhai Patel Tarun Bharat Sangh, Bhikampura, Thanagazi, Alwar 301 022. Rajasthan. Pp. 48
Rejuvenating the Ruparel River Vir Singh Tarun Bharat Sangh. Alwar. Pp. 40. Price: Rs 21.00
The promotion of Community Self Reliance – Tarun Bharat Sangh in Action Khalakdina Margaret 1998. Oxfam India Trust, Ahemdabad. Pp. 60.
Johad: Watershed in Alwar District, Rajasthan Anon  1998. UN – Inter Agency Working Group on water and Environmental Sanitation (UN IAWG - WES). Pages: 24
Evaluation of Water conservation Efforts of Tarun Bharat Sangh in 36 Villages of Alwar District. G D Agarwal 1997. Tarun Bharat Sangh, Alwar, Rajasthan. India.
Watershed Management: An integrated approach to the restoration of degraded lands PALMYRA 1998. Centre for Ecological Landuse and Rural Development, Aurobrindavan, Auroville – 605 101. Pondicherry.
Whose voice? – Participatory research and policy change Jeremy Holland and James Blackburn 1998. Intermediate Technology Publications Limited. London. Pages: 254
Ripples of the Society – People’s movement in watershed developments in India. Anon 1998. PWMTA and FARM Program. Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nations.

(for copies write to: Environmental Cell, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 221 Deen Dayal Upadhaya Marg, New Delhi – 110 002, India)

Self Reliance in Water – The Alacrity Experience. 2nd Edition Anon Alacrity Housing Limited, Chennai

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