<% dim RainCon dim rsRain Set RainCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'ConnString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATASOURCE=,3696;UID=rainwaterharvesting;PWD=water32;DATABASE=rainwaterharvesting;" 'RainCon.Open "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATASOURCE=,3696;UID=rainwaterharvesting;PWD=water32;DATABASE=rainwaterharvesting;" RainCon.Open "DSN=rain;UID=rainwater;PWD=Indi@nwater" 'RainCon.Open "DSN=rain;UID=rainwaterharvesting;PWD=water32" set rsRain=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rsRain=RainCon.Execute("select * from tblTYs") %> Try Yourself
Select Your Location:
  Enter Your Roof Area: (In Square Metres)
  <% Dim rs1 Dim strQ dim str1 dim str2 dim strValue dim strResult dim strResult1 If Request.ServerVariables("content_length") <> 0 Then set rs1=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") str1=Request.form("cmbRain") str2=Trim(Request.Form("txtRoof")) strQ="Select * from tblTYS where location='" & str1 & "'" 'response.write(strQ) 'set rsl=RainCon.Execute(strQ) rs1.Open strQ,RainCon,3,3 if not rs1.EOF then strValue=rs1("rainfall") end if strResult = CInt(strValue)*CInt(str2)*0.8 strResult1=strResult/40 %> 1. You can harvest <% Response.Write CStr(strResult)%> litres of water annually.

2. This quantity is adequate to meet the drinking water demands of a family of 4 for <% Response.Write Round(strResult1)%> days.

3. Suggestion For <%Response.Write str1%> : <% Response.Write rs1("suggesion")%> <% end if %>
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