Background |
Chetpet lake in Chennai is acting nowadays as a garbage dump for the people staying near the water body. The area of the lake is 15 acres and is under the Fisheries Department. The water body is an open toilet for many and the compound wall that separates the lake from the tenement has been broken in several places. The raw sewage spills out, destroying an ecologically sensitive area.
In 2005, the Environment Department of the state identified the lake along with 12 other lakes of Greater Chennai Area for eco restoration. The department commissioned a detailed study. The CPR Environmental Education Centre conducted the survey. The objective was to assess the current status of the water bodies and suggest appropriate conservation measures. The centre gave a detailed survey report. In 2007, the state government appointed the Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Finance Services Limited (TNUIFSL) to prepare a detailed project report (DPR). TNUIFSL submitted the report and the document envisaged the setting up of a boat club, an aquarium, a seafood stall and a fish court (a retail outlet). A walkway around the lake for fitness enthusiasts was also planned in this report. The state government has floated tender in August this year for the beautification work of the lake.
The municipality is waiting for the official transfer of the rights of the lake to them so that they can start desilting. The fisheries department has already started removing silt and weeds at an estimated cost of Rs 40 lakh. The strengthening of the bund, raising the existing compound wall around the lake, controlling seepage, and installing borewells and other infrastructure are part of the project.
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC)
The C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation
No.1, Eldams Road,
Alwarpet, Chennai
Tamilnadu, India.
PIN - 600 018
Phone : 91- 44 -24337023 / 24346526 / 24359366
Fax : 91- 44 – 24320756
Email : cpreec@vsnl.com , ecoheritage_cpreec@vsnl.net
Government Department
Department of Environment
Ground Floor, Panagal Buildings
1, Jeenis Road, Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015
Telephone: +91-44-24336421
Fax: 24336594.
E-mail: tndoe@eth.net |