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History is replete with examples of volunteerism. There have been occasions and times of crises when volunteers have played major roles in solving problems for societies across the world. From disaster relief or in the field of social development, the helpful interventions of volunteers have been crucial. Some individuals like to pitch in to help out of religious motivation, or out of concern for their fellow humans.

The present environmental crisis in India and across the world have thrown up a new set of challenges for those who wish to something to bring about change in society. Society is today increasingly polarised between those who are rich and enjoy the fruits of the earth and those who are poor because they are dependent upon their environment that has become degraded.

For organisations, recruiting volunteers is a cost-effective way of providing a range of social and welfare services. To flourish, the programme requires effective infrastructure, both at national and international levels, to help mobilise support and match volunteers to appropriate organisations and tasks.

However, while the contribution of Volunteers is vast, much of their work often goes unrecognised because it is often unpaid and because it is usually spontaneous, unstructured and informal. Irrespective of the varied regional perception of Volunteerism or the manner in which it is practiced, Volunteers strengthen any cause. Their participation and involvement is the cornerstone of any successful programme.