A. Sayeed
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 300 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in Guwahati – 1,600 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 400.65 cubic metre (m3) or 4,00,650 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The rainwater harvested from the catchment of 300 sq. m is collected in two storage tanks of total capacity 5,000 litres. The stored water is used for horticulture. Rainwater harvesting has reduced the groundwater extraction to 400 litres per day.
Impact:Rainwater harvesting has lead to a reduction in groundwater extraction.
Contact Person:
A. Sayeed
24, Milanpur Road,
Guwahati, Assam
Phone: (0361) 2651473
Project designed by:
Mohd. Fareed
TRA, Nagrakata,
West Bengal – 735225
Phone: (03565) 272481
E-mail: fareed2006@indiatimes.com
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Mrinal Talukdar
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 100 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in Guwahati – 1,600 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 133.55 cubic metre (m3) or 1,33,500 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The rainwater harvesting system comprises of a combination of recharge and storage structures. Runoff from the rooftop is stored in a concrete storage tank. The stored water is used for drinking purpose. A part of the harvested water is diverted to an active well to recharge the sub soil.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed at a cost of Rs 3,500.
Impact: Rainwater harvesting has lead to improvement in groundwater quality and water level in the well has increased by one metre approximately.
Contact Person:
Mrinal Talukdar
72, Nanda Talukdar Foundation,
Pub Sarania, Guwahati,
Assam - 781003
Phone: (0361) 2454835
E-mail: mrinalt@rediffmail.com
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