Lessons learnt
Following the monsoon failure of 1999-2000, two states
Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh launched crash programmes
to encourage water harvesting. An appreciable shift, because
governments in India have always gone in for high-cost, high-technology
solutions to our water crisis. Ignoring the fact that rainwater
has helped India survive through the millennia. The Centre for
Science and Environment sent Eklavya Prasad to Gujarat and Binayak
Das to Andhra Pradesh to assess the programmes. While the projects
suffer from typical governmental functioning in several areas,
the success stories cannot be ignored. Down To Earth scrutinises
the programmes even as the region faces another year of drought
In the January 15, 2000 issue, Down To Earth had highlighted
the situation in drought-struck areas of Gujarat. The conclusion
was that villages with structures to harvest rainwater were
faring much better than villages which had forgotten the value
of rain. They had enough water to drink; some had enough for
irrigation, too. By April, as the effects of drought became
more apparent, the media discovered what the Indian subcontinent
has known and practised for millennia: that the only source
of water is rain, and the monsoonal bounty has to be stored
through apt means for use through the rest of the year. There
was widespread acknowledgement of the fact that large water
supply schemes of governments would never be able to solve
Indias water crisis by themselves. There had to be a
paradigm shift in our management of water.
Two drought-hit states, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh (AP), came
up with crash programmes that encouraged rural communities
to build new water harvesting structures and revive old ones.
The reason for these responses remains unclear; some say it
is political, some say it is motivation from the civil society,
some say it was the need of the hour. But the fact remains
the Gujarat government launched the Sardar Patel Participatory
Water Conservation Programme (SPPWCP) in January 2000; and
the AP government launched the Neeru Meeru (Water and You)
programme in May 2000.
No matter what their motive, the two state governments have
to be congratulated for venturing into uncharted territory,
into something essential that governments in independent India
have consistently ignored. It becomes essential to assess
the performance of these schemes. While it is certain that
community-based water management, based on water harvesting,
is essential to deal with drought, the future of this potential
depends on how the Indian administrative establishment takes
to it. If water harvesting falls victim to corruption and
bureaucratic incompetence, Indias future would be so
much poorer.
To look into all these issues, the New Delhi-based Centre
for Science and Environment (CSE), which actively promotes
community-based water management and the seminal importance
of water harvesting, sent two researchers from its Campaign
to Make Water Everybodys Business. For about one month,
they travelled to several parts of Gujarat and ap, visiting
villages, panchayats (village councils), government departments,
civil society groups, technical experts, research institutions,
religious outfits, and what have you. Their experiences led
to some conclusions.
In Gujarats drought-prone Saurashtra and Kachchh regions,
there were clear indicators that the government programme
has made a significant difference. Despite the fact that the
rains were very poor in the year 2000 monsoon, there are claims
that water overflowed in more than three-fourths of the 10,500
check dams built under the government programme over the last
few months. In several villages which have built check dams,
the groundwater table had improved and dugwells have water.
The Indian media at the regional as well as the national
level reported quite a few success stories of villages
which are confident about facing drought in the future. The
fact that the media took note of these stories is itself a
good indicator, because the Indian media, biased as it is
towards urban centres, regularly ignores the problems and
successes of our villages.
While water harvesting is a crucial
component of solving the water crisis, crash programmes
to capture rain are not the answer. Better planning
and decentralisation is the call of the day
Not only did the Gujarat government learn from its past mistakes
in water management, but it also learned from the successes
of villages led by civil society groups. The SPPWCP was formulated
in a way that bureaucratic wrangling would be sidelined. The
people responded with enthusiasm, submitting proposals for
more than 25,000 check dams. This again proves that Indias
problem is its governments, not its people. Another factor
worth noting is that the success rate of the programme was
seen to be better where civil society groups were involved.
This gave fewer opportunities of siphoning funds to corrupt
government engineers and contractors. It also helped in mobilisation
of villagers. But, apart from some cases of exceptional effort
by villages on their own accord, the programme actually led
to corruption in several places where civil society groups
were not involved. So much so that the government resorted
to withholding of funds in some cases, again revealing a willingness
to learn from mistakes and rectify them.
AP was more of a disappointment. Although the Neeru Meeru
programme was initiated only a few months ago and it is early
days for judging its impact, the initial indicators do not
bode well. While the programme covers several aspects of water
harvesting, one of the major thrusts in the initial stages
has been to desilt old tanks, which has been carried out in
3,348 villages. But the way the programme has been planned,
has left a lot of room for contractors and engineers to exploit
poor villagers. The programme does not encourage employment
of the rural poor in desilting operations, relying on the
machines and corruption of contractors. Some exceptional success
stories apart, there are numerous allegations of corruption
and nepotism. Let aside the opposition political parties,
even neutral groups and technical experts are critical of
the ruling Telugu Desam Party for using the community-based
programme to build up its own cadres and political base, rather
than finding a lasting solution to the water crisis. Several
villagers complain of exploitation at the hands of local politicians,
bureaucrats, government engineers and contractors.
In the following pages, we present two reports, one from
each state, to assess which way these programmes are headed.
It is crucial to do this at present, because the spectreSPPWCPsss
of drought is looming large over several parts of western
and central India after the monsoon failed the states again
this year. The story of villages and governments that have
made sound investments in water harvesting need to be publicised
far and wide. Only after they get due credit and attention
can their examples be replicated.
The lesson is clear. While harvesting rainwater is the right
direction, the bureaucracy and petty politicking will ensure
that instead of solving the water crisis, it becomes another
excuse for mismanagment and corruption. This would be a real
shame, because it might close the last door for a developing
country like India to sustainably manage its water needs.
It would be an even greater shame if it were to prove that
Indians have little to hope for a better tomorrow.
Learning the mantra
Report card: The government realised its failures and
learned from the civil society. Despite cases of corruption
and some errors in planning, the government programme is an
Success level:
It was quite visible in several districts, whether it was
Rajkot, Junagadh or Jamnagar in Saurashtra or Bhuj in Kachchh.
People in several villages of these drought-prone regions
looked a lot more confident in September 2000 about dealing
with drought in the future. Barely four months ago, they had
looked doomed and defeated. But now they have water. The reason
for the change: check dams built by the hundreds in the past
few months. This has been possible only under the Sardar Patel
Participatory Water Conservation Programme (SPPWCP) launched
by the state government in January 2000 in response to the
drought. The response from the people was tremendous; 25,234
proposals were received. Initially, the plan was to build
2,500 check dams at the cost of Rs 100 crore. This went up
more than four times to 10,500 and the cost was doubled to
Rs 200 crore.
One such village is Padodar in Gharda tehsil of Bhavnagar
district. In the past two years, no government water supply
reached the village. Yet, in September 2000, there was ample
water. Between March 17 and June 17, the villagers built 51
check dams. After the first showers of the monsoon, all of
them had water. Madhujibhai Dadojibhai, head of the village
committee to make check dams, says, During last years
drought, 20,000 litres of water was being brought in tankers.
Now we are hopeful that drinking water will be available even
during summer. In Dahisarda village of Rajkot district,
a checkdam had been built on Aji river 20 years ago. But water
would stay for only 10-15 days after the rains, says Jagdanjibhai,
member of the committee formed to raise the height of the
checkdam by one metre in May 2000. After the height was raised,
300 dugwells and 50 handpumps have been recharged in 40 per
cent of the village land which is under agriculture, he points
out. The dams stop enough water to facilitate lift irrigation,
improving the lot of farmers.
Nitinbhai Patel, Gujarats minister for minor irrigation
programmes, says, During the recent rains, water overflowed
in about 8,000 (of the 10,500) check dams. Dugwells in the
adjoining areas got recharged, improving the water availability.
While tankers were providing water to 2,500 villages during
the drought, the figure went down to 1,400 after the first
rains. He says almost all the work was accomplished
by the villagers themselves and there was no interference
from anyone.
M S Patel, secretary (water resources) of Narmada, water resources
and water supply department, is confident that in places with
check dams, the problem of drinking water will now get deferred
to the months of May or June, instead of February. He says
the sppwcp is not merely a temporary intervention to fight
the drought but a reflection of our policy to deal with the
water crisis in the long run. sppwcp is based on the 60:40
concept. The government bears 60 per cent of the cost,
while the villagers contribute the remaining 40 per cent.
SPPWCP is a novel programme. It has provided the necessary
impetus to the concept of water harvesting, says Anil
C Shah of the NGO Development Support Centre (DSC), Ahmedabad.
It is popular because the government has been sensitive
to peoples problems. It has been formulated keeping
the last person in mind, says Ghanshyambhai Savani,
head of the Gharada taluka panchayat in Bhavnagar district.
sense dawns
How did the state government come up with such a decentralised
water management programme, especially in a state that is in
the middle of the colossal confusion over the Sardar Sarovar
dam on the Narmada, work on which lies stalled due to litigation?
The drought in the past few years had created a compulsion for
the government to look for additional strategies to deal with
the water crisis. In 1997 itself, it launched the Own
your own checkdam programme. Its failures were too glaring.
It yielded merely 62 check dams in three years despite the fact
that the government was bearing 90 per cent of the cost. (see
table: A lesson in mass mobilisation)
Even M S Patel acknowledges that the people stayed away from
this programme due to complicated government procedures. It
was obvious that a novel approach was the call of the day.
Apart from the drinking water crisis, agriculture, too, was
in doldrums. In Saurashtra, the main crop in the kharif
season is groundnut, says the secretary. The total
cropped area for kharif in Saurashtra is 4 million hectares
(mha). At present, water for irrigation is being provided
by 113 dams for 0.3 mha. Even after the Sardar Sarovar Project
is implemented, 0.4-0.5 mha will be irrigated. Therefore,
3.15 mha will still be dependent on rain. Threfore, even Narmada
water cannot solve the problem. However, with the small structures
in Saurashtra, villages would have water for irrigation and
While the need of the hour was evident, how did the government
hit upon the idea of a large-scale, decentralised programme
to build check dams? The thought behind sppwcp lies in the
success of several peoples efforts led by the civil
society. The government had seen the work of voluntary,
religious and spiritual organisations. They were interested
in replicating the process across the state, says Sachin
Oza of DSC.
In fact, the government circular dated January 17, which announced
the creation of SPPWCP, says, Several active workers
and service-oriented non-governmental organisations have taken
up several water conservation projects in these areas by collecting
voluntary contributions from the people for preventing the
rainwater from flowing out of their respective areas and to
recharge the groundwater
and the results are overwhelmingly
successful. The circular also mentions that the scheme
is in response to the fact that the people of these
regions are determined to implement such projects and
also due to public demand as well as representations from
members of the legislative assembly and NGOs.
It wasnt all smooth sailing for the SPPWCP. While Nitinbhai
Patel was working out the details of the new, decentralised
programme, the minister for Narmada and major irrigation projects,
Jay Narain Vyas, was too busy foul-mouthing it as merely a
diversionary tactic of the anti-dam lobby. Without Patel claiming
that water harvesting was an alternative to the Narmada dam,
Vyas began to cry wolf. Rather than seeing the two issues
separately, he took it upon himself to belittle the media
attention that water harvesting was getting.
How was the programme still successful? The irrigation minister
says the chief minister Keshubhai Patel supported the programme,
which led to the germination of a state-level initiative.
Moreover, water has become one of the most important political
issues in Gujarat, which meant the political will to tackle
the water crisis was stronger than ever before.
More so after the water crisis started causing civic problems,
such as deaths due to police firing against rural people rioting
to protest government decision to reserve water for urban
centres. Politicians started realising that their political
survival depended on the availability of water. With the impasse
on the Narmada dam continuing, they began to look at an ignored
area: water harvesting.
Even with water harvesting gaining prominence, there were
hurdles, especially in Rajkot district. Some reports in the
media highlighted the urban-rural divide over the issue of
water. A June 14 report in The Indian Express mentioned that
the Bhadar reservoir, which supplies water to the towns of
Rajkot, Jetpur and Gondal, had not received a drop of water
despite 76 mm of rainfall in its catchment area. This, the
report said, was due to the 25-30 check dams built in the
catchment, which had got filled up after the rain. Several
other media reports highlighted the condition of Rajkot residents
scampering for water.
All these reports fail to understand a crucial lesson of water
management: those who harvest rainwater are relatively secure
even in a drought. Those who wait for others or the government
stare at empty taps. This lesson has been reinforced by the
success of sppwcp, and the local media has taken note of the
fact. The political leadership has to be commended for finally
considering the rural poor in its agenda.
Once the political will started driving water harvesting
efforts, things started moving. To mobilise the masses, the
government relied on the method of civil society groups: jalyatras
(marches for water). The government jalyatra was organised
in January 2000. It moved in three streams. While Nitinbhai
Patel led one jalyatra, the other two were led by Narottambhai
Patel, minister of water supply, Anandiben Patel, minister
of education, and Kaushikbhai Patel, minister of energy.
The jalyatras visited 6,000 villages in Saurashtra
and Kachchh. In each village, a gram sabha (village assembly)
was organised. As it is, the people were quite eager for an
initiative to get rid of the water crisis. The situation was
all prepared for what was to become a major sociopolitical
and exceeding expectations
Referring to the government decision to increase the number
of proposed check dams from 2,500 to 10,500, M S Patel says
the government reacted positively. However, this was done
on an ad hoc basis, and this has come in for criticism as
the programme became target-oriented rather than process-oriented.
They acted in great hurry. The planning should have
been done from the tehsil level. To implement such a scheme,
a minimum of 7-8 engineers are needed for sanctioning and
monitoring, says a government engineer, who did not
want to be named. He said the department just did not have
the infrastructure and the staff strength to deal with such
a major initiative.
Technology, process and the flaws
The minor irrigation ministry came up with six designs for
concrete check dams. However, there was a provision that if
a village came up with its own design, it could be approved
after a technical assessment, informs M S Patel. We
had to earn the faith of the people. Towards this end, we
adopted a transparent and accountable style of functioning,
says Nitinbhai Patel. An effort was made to avoid the governmental
system of issuing tenders and then dealing with contractors.
For the first time, the responsibility was handed over
to the villagers, says M S Patel.
A village-level committee with at least 11 members was made
in charge of implementation. Each committee was to have a
head, who was responsible for purchasing materials, arranging
for labour, ensuring that the village contributed its 40 per
cent share, and monitoring the work.
The formation of the implementation committee was followed
by the selection of design and the site. The next step was
preparing an estimate, for which the committee could consult
whosoever they wanted. The sanctioning power of a district-level
engineer was restricted to projects worth Rs 6 lakh. Anything
over this had to approved by the secretary of the department
at the state capital, Gandhinagar. These logistics had to
be filled in a simple form, and work would commence immediately
after the sanction. An inspection after three weeks of commencement
of work was followed by release of the government fund.
Several concerned citizens said selection of sites was influenced
by contractors in several places, paving the way for bigger
structures which allowed better opportunities for corruption.
The monitoring of the work is also being questioned. Despite
a committee set up by the state government to monitor the
progress of SPPWCP, monitoring was haphazard at best, non-existent
at worst.
But the main problem was the several shortfalls in the decentralisation
process, which was hurriedly implemented. As a result the
intricacies involved in the formation of the village-level
committees to supervise the construction were overlooked.
The gram sabha and not government officials or contractors
should have been in control of the formation of the village
committee. The gram panchayat also had no say in the implementation
of the project. The committee should have been made accountable
to the gram sabha. Due the restricted involvement of the gram
sabha there were several problems. In some cases people with
little influence in the local community became members of
the village committee. Ideally there should have been a
village elder as the head of the committee who could control
11-members, what was missing also in most cases was a representative
of the gram panchayat and women members, the user group,
were conspicous by their absence.
The jalyatra was the only medium used to make contact with
the local people. It was firmly believed by the government
that this strategy was sufficient to educate and motivate
the people. But while the people got motivated they lacked
the skills to effectively implement the projects. Capacity
building and training was not done.
As part of the decentralisation process the government should
have also handed over the costing of the projects to the village
committee. The stakeholders were supposed to contribute 40
per cent of the total cost of project. But government approved
rates were so high that it was possible for contractors to
construct inferior structures within the 60 per cent allotted
by the government and even make a profit. This negated the
need for peoples own contribution in labour or
cash in these structures.
Since coordination between village committees was virtually
absent, it led to bad planning in the management of the catchment
area and poor choice of checkdam sites. In areas where ngos
were operating, there was just one committee which supervised
the execution of the project. But in other areas, every checkdam
in the village had its own committee.
The scheme has also drawn flak for corruption. A May 17 report
in The Times of India mentioned that irregularities
have been reported from at least 90 per cent of the check
dams in Junagadh district. The government decided to
suspend construction of nearly 800 check dams in 25 talukas
of Saurashtra and Kachchh after detecting the poor construction
and overestimation of cost, said a May 21 report in The
Indian Express. The cse researcher came across several
examples of poor quality construction and misappropriation
of funds in the building of check dams, particularly in Junagadh
and Kachchh.
With problems sneaking into SPPWCP, should Gujarat
do away with the programme? Or should it persist with the novel
approach, all the while learning from past mistakes? The government
has no choice but to work with the second option. After all,
the government of Gujarat has at least come up with a positive
response to the drought, as opposed to neighbouring Rajasthan,
which also suffered a bad drought but has not come up with any
long-term strategy.
The positive effect of the programme has been that
the villagers have come to realise that alternatives do work,
says Nafisa Barot of the Ahmedabad-based NGO Utthan. It is
a positive step away from dependence on groundwater, which
has been rising frighteningly in the past two decades, leading
to the present crisis. However, Barot adds a word of caution:
The government has completely hijacked the process of
the participatory model, and has implemented it in a hurry.
So the process has suffered.
Anil Shah also provides an insight: The programme could
have achieved more had the government spent more time in planning
the execution process.But it is not all disappointment. Some
steps have already been taken in the right direction. For
one, the decision to withhold payments of all projects where
irregularities have been reported will send the right message
to fly-by-night contractors. One suggestion is that administrative
shift can be in imparting better training to village-level
institutions and strengthening the monitoring of the work
accomplished. More than anything else, the government has
to ensure that the programme grows into a mass movement for
management of the entire watershed. The life of a checkdam
is very short if the upstream area is not treated to prevent
soil erosion as siltation inhibits its long-term effectiveness.
As it is, several studies have shown that the rate of erosion
in Saurashtra is quite high. For this the components of peoples
control over decision making must be further strengthened.
While these measures will help the performance of SPPWCP,
the government itself needs to learn. Jay Narain Vyas
attitude wont help. Nitinbhai Patel needs to talk to
his colleague about the importance of the SPPWCP. Rainwater
has to be central to Indias efforts in dealing with
its water problems, regardless of the role of large dams
central, supplementary or otherwise. The state also needs
to learn that crash programmes are good on a temporary basis,
but long-term plans require better thinking. For Gujarat,
it is time to take stock, to act with resolve and intelligence.
To build upon what it has gained and learn from its mistakes.
There is a lot at stake.
Political harvest
Report card: A scheme that can
help solve the water crisis has become a tool to promote political
interests of the ruling party
Success level: Poor
Achampet mandal of Mahabubnagar district, Andhra Pradesh
(AP), was in the clutch of drought six years ago. But it is
doing well at present. Satellite images show an improvement
of about 300 per cent between February 1994 and March 1998
with regard to the groundwater table, says Ramesh Reddy,
head of the department of civil engineering at Osmania University,
Hyderabad. He is also the chairperson of the Centre for Rural
Youth Development (CRYD), a non-governmental organisation
in Achampet.
In 1995 the people of this region, along with CRYD, took up
the AP Groundwater Borewell Irrigation Scheme, known as apwell
in short. This scheme of the state government was aimed at
watershed development to improve groundwater resources and
recharge borewells. The scheme was made available in seven
drought-affected districts and was a result of an agreement
between the state government and the government of the Netherlands
to fund watershed development.
In 1999-2000, the state faced a severe drought. More than
17 per cent of the habitations in the state face drinking
water scarcity, says a May 2000 report by aps department
of rural development. The government responded by putting
its various programmes like apwell into a concerted effort
called the Neeru Meeru (Water and You) programme, which is
the 12th part of the Janmabhoomi initiative of the of the
ap state government. Janmabhoomi translates to motherland
in English. Launched in May 2000 at the behest of the ap chief
minister, N Chandrababu Naidu, Janmabhoomi aims to create
self help groups womens groups, water users
associations (WUAS), watershed development committees or youth
groups. The message is that people should realise their duty
towards the motherland. This is part of an ongoing initiative
of the state government to involve communities in their own
uplift, as is the idea of creating vana suraksha samitis (VSS,
or forest protection committees) to protect forests through
watershed development.
All these activities were going on individually but
there was no impact analysis and individual decisions were
giving poor deals to the people, says Chandrasekhar
Reddy, special officer in charge of Neeru Meeru with the rural
development department. This is exactly where the programme
aims to make a difference by involving people in all development
activities linked to water. The chief minister told Down
To Earth, Through Neeru Meeru I want to increase
the percentage of rainwater we conserve
we are working
in so many ways. Whatever the experiences of the many experts
working all over the country, I am borrowing all these.
As the push for the programme was coming straight from the
chief minister, there was hardly any opposition to it within
the ruling party and the administration.
The Andhra Pradesh government has formed a water conservation
mission (WCM). This is a mission consisting of experts on
water from various parts of the country. The mission has been
formed under the chairperson of the chief minister, Chandra
Babu Naidu. As a part of its activities on watershed management
the government has already formed 5,260 watershed committees
in the state. The principal secretary, department of panchayati
raj and rural development have been made responsible to implement
the programme. The village level committees have the village
sarpanch as president and the village development officer
as convenor. The stakeholders are the water users association
(WUA), self help groups, village officials, women groups,
ngos and research organisations. The mission also includes
providing training, fund, technological assistance to the
down approach
But the bureaucracy still drives the entire programme. This
top down approach pursued by the state government, however,
has given rise to resentment and non-participation amongst the
stakeholders due to two major drawbacks. To begin with the process
of decentralisation was seen as a means to promote the building
of a cadre for the TDP, say experts working on minor irrigation.
The village community has to sign a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) with the district authorities which gives total control
to the bureucracy over what is supposed to be a participatory
process. The local community is supposed to look into the aspects
of planning; implementation and subsequent management of the
watershed project. The MoU also mentions that the village community
has to agree to a change in cropping patterns by not using water
intensive crops and go in for social fencing. But the scope
of participation is subject to strictly adhering to guidelines.
Failing this the government reserves the right to convert the
money released for the projects into a loan and initiate recovery
without channels
The programme planned for construction and revival of watershed
development structures, including checkdams, contour trenches,
rock-filled dams and gully bunds. Water harvesting trenches
and other such structures are also being constructed in various
villages, agricultural lands, temples, urban houses, institutions
and open areas. Funds for all this are being provided by multiple
One programme that has received a major fillip is desilting
of old tanks, which has been carried out in 3,348 villages,
the work being stopped currently due to the monsoon. Contractors
poclains (earth moving machines) extract the silt and farmers
bring their tractors to carry the fertile extract to their fields.
Desilting by the hour requires the services of 20 tractors.
One has to be present next to the poclain every 2-3 minutes
as costly machines are rented on an hourly basis. This
is how people were mobilised. They were present at the site
with their tractors, says Reddy.
Desiltation work has also been undertaken in the many tanks
controlled by the Panchayati Raj and minor irrigations
department. The tanks were traditionally under the maintenance
of the community.
There are about 80,000 tanks in ap whose worth today stands
at Rs 50 lakh per tank, says Uma Shankari, convenor of Neeti
Samkhya, an ngo based in Chittoor district. They are in poor
condition today due to neglect by the government and the people.
Out of the total percentage of outlays for irrigation, the
major and medium irrigation project gets three-fourths of
the allocation.
The minor irrigation and the panchayati raj gets the rest
of the onefourths allocated fund. Of this, 80 per cent goes
as salary and administration work. The amount that gets involved
in the actual work for the tank stands at 1-2 per cent. The
local waterbodies below 41 ha ayacuts should also be
entrusted to the panchayats. New wuas under these will
be useless as they are too small but the panchayats can organise
and maintain the tanks without professional help, says
Uma. The village of Gaur, Nizamabad, however, tells a story.
Two tanks with total tank area of around 53 hectares have
not been desilted in spite of the villagers appeals.
Yella Reddy, the village sarpanch expresses their anguish,
We have appealed to the irrigation department two times
since last year to take up the work of desiltation of the
tanks as these tanks are their sole source of agriculture,
but the department people told us that there is no fund to
renovate the tanks. The silt has accumulated on the
feeder channel of the upper tank which is stopping the flow
of water to the lower tank. The resultant is the flooding
of the kutcha village roads. The village does not have a link
road to the state highway and now, the panchayat is constructing
a pucca road on their own. Yella Reddy also says that if the
tanks were under the panchayat instead of government department,
then the village panchayat could have taken responsibility
of the tanks, but now they cannot, for it is illegal under
government law. This type of neglect is possible. Monsoon
started in mid-June, so it was late for desiltation but the
programme was implemented in May, then it could have been
taken up but the Neeru Meeru officials came to the village
three times to repeat that there is no budget. In many places
like Ballamntary village of Nizamabad district, the feeder
channels are blocked and not work has been carried out. In
the case of Gaur also, there are two tanks, but the supply
channel from one tank to the other has vanished due to no
care being taken. What is the point of desilting of
tanks, if the supply channels are not in order and water does
not flow into the tank? Desiltation programme should include
supply channel cleaning too, says Uma Shankari.
Despite the fact that the Neeru Meeru
programme clearly lays down the importance of keeping
contractors at bay, their influence has meant that money
plays a greater role than the people
many cooks
Innumerable committees have been formed at every level, leaving
the common person confused. M S Kodarkar, zoologist with the
Vivek Vardhini College in Hyderabad, who has a special interest
in lakes and waterbodies, says, There are already multiple
government departments which are controlling one single aspect:
water. There is the metro water supply department, the irrigation
department and now various wuas are sprouting all over. Various
authorities control different aspects of water right from supply
to treatment of water to its use. There are a number of laws.
Creating one more authority, in this case the wcm, the administrative
structure has become vague.
of funds
The project funds are handled by wuas, and there are allegations
of corruption in this area. While it is very difficult to prove
how it is done, a government official, speaking on condition
of anonymity, revealed how funds are swindled. I can personally
tell you what has happened in a particular case. A watershed
committee president received some Rs 7,000. When I enquired
about the source, he told me that he received it for signing
a cheque for Rs 28,000. Such stories are quite common.
The WUA president is responsible for signing cheques to release
money to contractors. Even when half the work is done, the contractors
claim the money for the work in connivance with the wua president,
who gets a cut. The projects suffer extensively due to this.
A lot of corruption is going on, though no one comes forward
to point it out, says Rukmini Rao of the Deccan Development
Society, Hyderabad, who is working on watershed projects in
Rayalaseema district. Small ngos are forced to give money.
After the work has been taken up with the community, the government
funds do not reach and these ngos have to bribe to get the money
released. It could be as small an amount as Rs 2,000-5,000.
This was reflected in Mahabubnagar, where a handful of elite
farmers formed a watershed committee which released all the
goodies to their relatives. One beneficiary got Rs 72,000
for horticulture. Clearly, the distribution is biased against
the landless as well as people from the schedule castes. When
asked about what they received, they say most have not even
been called for work. Those who were called for work had their
wages deducted and contributed to the fund as part of the
10 per cent contribution to the wua fund. The wage employment
aspect of watershed-related works suffered tremendously. Instead
of the schedule of rates, local wage rates were followed.
These were discriminatory to women. So, if the schedule of
rates in Mahabubnagar is Rs 9 per cubic metre of silt removed,
this got reduced to Rs 7. The members demanding a reduction
are invariably landholders.
Money from the village development fund is taken for
the watershed fund. When government officials come visiting,
they are received using the watershed funds. They have to
make a tent for the dignitaries, put a few chairs and give
them tea and snacks. All the money comes from the fund. After
the rains, tanks have breached. But there are no funds for
repair, says Rukmini Rao. The watershed fund is there,
but cannot be used for a period of four years due to a faulty
While the Neeru Meeru programme clearly lays down the importance
of keeping contractors at bay, this has not been the case. Because
of the contractors, the money has been involved more than the
people. There is a vast humanpower in the villages. People could
have gained employment if the private contractors were not involved,
says B N Chetty, who works on vss watershed development with
Jan Vikas Sangh in Kurnool district.
Poclains have been used on a large-scale to desilt tanks. People
commonly point out that the poclain contractors are connected
to political parties. They immediately put the poclains
to work and the money goes to the political boss and the work
is not executed properly, alleges Ramakrishna Reddy. The
problem of migration could have been addressed if the local
villagers had been employed, says Ramesh Reddy, head of
the department of civil engineering at the Osmania University.
Rajendra Singh, secretary Alwar-based Tarun Bharat Sangh, which
has transformed the ecology of the Rajasthan district through
water harvesting, visited some parts of the state. AP
waterworks are not in accordance with peoples vision,
he points out. It is technocratic and work has been done
at a very fast pace.
The Neeru Meeru programme is fast becoming a problem bigger
than the one it was meant to solve. It is clear that the crash
programme wont take the state anywhere. It is of utmost
importance that the government does a serious review of the
programme and looks into all the irregularities. The current
approach is to become technology-friendly and contractor-friendly.
The only group to which it is unfriendly is the poor and the
downtrodden, for whom the programme was formulated in the first
Drought is in the mind
Good news: There is more evidence
to show that water harvesting can go a long way in dealing with
drought and solving the water crisis, and even governments in
India are learning
Bad news: Crash programmes are
not the answers by themselves. A long-term partnership has to
emerge between governments and people to weather the coming
Several messages emerge from the analysis of crash programmes
to harvest rainwater in Gujarat and ap. It is amply clear that
the government of Gujarat has been much more successful in addressing
the need of the hour than the ap government.
Politicians response:
The way the political establishment has gone about social
mobilisation in Gujarat needs to be commended. The state government
recognised the failures of its past programmes and learned
from the examples set by the civil society. It did not let
the controversy over Sardar Sarovar Project get in the way
of peoples wellbeing. In AP, however, despite the thrust
from the chief minister, the programme has got caught up in
the corruption of petty politics. The government needs to
listen to its critics and learn from the positive examples
of civil society groups.
Decentralised approach:
The Gujarat programme succeeded because the government
let the people decide their response to drought. When common
people are allowed to have a say in governance, they cease
to be victims and become stakeholders. The tank desiltation
programme in ap has suffered in its initial stages due to
indifference of the masses. This undermines the sustainability
of decentralised water management, making drought more sustainable.
As Indias problems lie more with the government than
with its people, the first step to any improvement is a governments
recognition of its mistakes.
While this plague of Indias governance system
is difficult to uproot even the successful sppwcp in
Gujarat has suffered a decentralised approach to development
brings about greater transparency and accountability to the
system. Again, the civil societys influence helps limit
this problem, checking the deadly engineer-contractor nexus.
This seminal aspect of any development effort is still not
receiving the due attention. The best of intentions simply
crumble under the absence of foresight. That the ap government
did not spend enough time planning is obvious. But, experts
say, Gujarat could have achieved a lot more if a little more
care had been put into planning of government activities,
especially monitoring of ongoing work.
conflict: In Rajkot district of Gujarat,
there have been voices of discontent among urban populations
about the issue of checkdams stopping water from reaching
reservoirs that feed urban populations. This is a major problem
for the future, and requires immediate intervention to prevent
incidents of rioting and deaths over water rights. To this
end, promoting water harvesting in urban areas can be a great
solution. The government of Gujarat would show great leadership
if it were to promote water harvesting in all walks of life.
If urban people can manage their own water, there would be
no reason for conflict. The ap government deserves to be commended
for taking up the issue in the state capital Hyderabad. But
the implementation of the programme leaves much to be desired.
Crash programme mentality:
This will be a major threat to all that has been achieved.
If the Gujarat government treats SPPWCP as a temporay measure
to deal with drought, it would not only worsen the water crisis
but will also show the best available strategy to deal with
it in a poor light. the lead taken by Gujarat has to emerge
as an example to the rest of the country, especially its neighbour
Rajasthan, where the government has done little beyond the
traditional crisis-mongering to deal with drought.
Gujarat has championed industrialisation in the country. It
is time it shows that its achivements are not merely economic
in nature. That it can do what governments in India have consistently
ignored: real development lies in sound environmental governance.
For AP, which features as an also-ran in this
report, it would be a good idea to send some ministers and
bureaucrats to Gujarat for training. Gujarat is not very far
from ap. And the example of Gujarat is also not very far from
blind to rain
Gujarats minister for Narmada and major irrigation
projects, Jay Narain Vyas, has a difficult job. He is
in charge of handling an issue that draws extremely emotional
and polarised responses. He wants to have the Sardar Sarovar
Project (SSP) completed, and several activist groups
have been vehemently opposing the dam for uprooting the
rural poor of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
It is but natural that any effort to come up with additional
methods to solve the water crisis seem like ploys of the
anti-dam lobby to him. But does it mean that his political
insecurities are dearer to him than a solution to the
woes of Gujarats parched villages?
Sitting in his plush office with wallpaper depicting a
small waterfall, he spoke to the researcher from Centre
for Science and Environment (CSE) for about 45 minutes
about the controversy that has been brewing around him
on the issue of water management in Gujarat. In
Saurashtra, about 1,000 checkdams have not yielded good
results. How can an environmental organisation like CSE
propagate small structures as an alternative to major
or macro structures, he said.
In a May 2000 interview with the India Abroad News Service,
he had said, There is a hidden hand behind the current
campaign in favour of small dams and traditional systems
of water harvesting because the so-called experts of water
management and environmentalists are keen to divert the
attention of the nation from the Narmada project even
though the project is the real solution to Gujarats
perennial problem of potable and irrigation water.
Never mind, that CSE has never advocated for small dams
against big dams, believing that small ones are necessary
for drought proofing and meeting drinking water needs.
Big dams, if necessary, could be built provided that the
resettlement needs of communities are handled well.
He was not willing to consider the several successful
initiatives in Saurashtra, which CSE has highlighted:
This is a generalised approach towards water management,
and is not going to work. According to him, all
environmentalists tend to have a generalised approach:
Before recommending an approach, CSE should look
into the approach in totality rather than in isolation.
And the bias element should be removed from their approach.
But when quizzed about the success of the Sardar Patel
Participatory Water Conservation Programme, claimed by
his own government, he did not have an answer. He could
not say if the programme had been implemented in a general
manner or in an area-specific manner. Ask
the minister concerned, he quipped. When he was
reminded that the minister, his own colleague Nitinbhai
Patel, never mentioned an area-specific approach, Vyas
had the standard Indian politician reply: It is
none of my concerns. Later in the conversation,
Vyas adopted a middle path, saying that large and small
structure could complement each other. But he kept insisting |
One per
cent inspiration
After the Gujarat government realised
the failure of its water harvesting programmes between
1997 and 2000, it turned to civil society groups (CSGs)
for solutions. There are some outstanding efforts of
CSGs and individuals in Gujarat that have not only inspired
the government to change its approach but have also
provided ways and means to bring about awakening among
the people.
One truly remarkable story has been that of Mathurbhai
Savani, a diamond trader now based in Surat who hails
from Khopala village of Bhavnagar districts Gharda
tehsil, and of the Saurashtra Jaldhara Trust (SJT),
an organisation instituted by Savani and like-minded
people in October 1999.
Moved by the acute water crisis in his native village,
Savani set about understanding the problem. He realised
that there was too much dependence on groundwater and
rainwater was going untapped. He visited Raj-Samadhiyala
village and interacted with the village head, H B Jadeja
(see Standing the test of drought, Down
To Earth, January 15, 2000). Then he paid a visit to
Alwar, Rajasthan, to see the work of the voluntary agency
Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS), which has been instrumental
in the ecological and economic transformation of the
area through water harvesting.
He started work on social mobilisation, and adopted
TBSs idea of organising jalyatras (marches for
water). Soon enough, 25 check dams were built under
the Own your own checkdam scheme of the
Gujarat government. But there were too many procedural
hassles. He realised that about 200 check dams and 10
ponds were required in the area.
Savani decided to raise the money on his own. His skills
at communication and social mobilisation generated Rs
48 lakh from within the village through monetary contributions
as well as voluntary labour. By the time he finished
tapping traders in Surat, Mumbai and Baroda, the amount
had crossed Rs 2 crore. The work was initiated at Khopala
in December 1998 and completed within a record six months.
SJT has contributed in several ways to building of check
dams. In Padodar village of Bhavnagar district, SJT
provided 2,000 bags of cement free of cost. The remaining
cement was given at a discounted rate of Rs 105 per
bag against the market rate of Rs 130. But there was
a condition. The village had to work as a cohesive unit
while constructing the check dams.
During the first round of rains in the 1999 monsoon,
which was about 180 mm, all the check dams got filled
up, recharging about 200 dug wells and another 200 borewells,
says Ghanshyambhai, a resident of Khopala. He proudly
says that his village has become a model now, and people
from all over come here as if they were on a pilgrimage.
But Savani was not content with merely increasing water
availability. He started working on conserving water.
Babubhai Jhabalia, trustee of SJT, points out that Savani
made arrangements for installation of a drip irrigation
system at reduced rates in the village. One-fourth of
the agricultural land of the villages is fed by drip
irrigation today.
If Bhavnagar is one of the districts with the largest
number of check dams constructed under the Sardar Patel
Participatory Water Conservation Programme (SPPWCP),
it is largely due to the efforts of SJT. The interest
generated among the villagers by our padyatras was evident
when the state government launched the SPPWCP,
says Jhabalia.
The check dam constructed at Jodia village in Jamnagar
lies breached today. Residents of the village point out
that the checkdam, constructed in May, was finished in
a hurry by the contractor. Now, they just stand next to
the natural drain and watch the water flow away
water that would have been invaluable to them in the drought
that is looming large this year.
In the Sardar Patel Participatory Water Conservation Programme
(SPPWCP), under which the checkdam was built, the Gujarat
government took extra care to avoid the typical administrative
procedures that lead to corruption. Virtually all the
work was decentralised to an 11 member village-level committee
to avoid the engineer-contractor nexus that is often at
the root of corruption in most construction activities.
But with the role of the gram sabha left undefined, in
many cases contractors were free to influence the committee
Several people contacted by the researcher from Centre
for Science and Environment (CSE) narrated tales of corruption.
It was obvious that those who took advantage of the villagers
were small-time local contractors. This gave them greater
pliability with the villagers, helping them skew the project
to their advantage. Contractors pushed for selection of
sites where bigger structures could be made and more money
could be siphoned off, raising the cost of the project
without concern for quality of construction. They also
tried to lure villagers by claiming that they would build
the checkdam within the government share of 60 per cent
of the total costs, thereby preventing the village from
contributing its 40 per cent share as stipulated in the
SPPWCP. Mera bahut saalon ka experience hai aur
mein kaam kam daam mei karta hoon (I am an experienced
person and I know how to construct a good quality checkdam
in a small amount), said a contractor in Bhuj, while speaking
to the CSE researcher.
A major fallout of the project has been the absence
of the 40 per cent contribution by the villagers. This
happened because it was not the villagers who had constructed
the structures but professionals like contractors,
says Vinod Kevariya of the Shree Sahjanand Rural Development
Trust, which has been working in Bhuj, Kachchh, on several
issues including building of check dams. It is clear that
the maintenance work of these structures will suffer as
soon as the contractors withdraw, because the stakeholders
are marginalised.
Nowhere was poor quality construction as evident as in
Junagadh. At one checkdam site in Keshod taluka, the concrete
from the structure could easily be removed, as well as
the boulders inside. In Khamrod village of Junagadh, the
structure had already begin to crack when the CSE researcher
saw it in July 2000. Stones from the base of the embankment
could be removed without much effort. Sources revealed
that the proportion of cement used for mortar in some
cases was as low as one-tenth of the amount of sand used,
while the correct proportion is one-third of the amount
of sand. And it wasnt just cement on which the contractors
had made money. Villages also indicate that big stones
were used in the mortar instead of crushed metal.
While the proposals for new checkdams were coming in,
the executive engineer, who had recently been posted there,
was acting in a hurry as the government was dead keen
to show impressive figures.
Sources inside the government reveal that this led to
approval of a lot of applications that were driven by
the contractors greed and not by the villagers
need. There are also reports of officials complicity
in the murky dealings as a lot of worthy proposals did
not get approved because palms werent greased.
Of the 250 proposals from a particular chapter of Swadhyaya,
a spiritual movement that is major social force in Gujarat
today, only 15 were sanctioned, while proposals from contractors,
submitted in different names, got approved in a day or
two. The discouragement of civil society groups also made
the villagers more vulnerable to the contractor-engineer
nexus. |
Cyber citys
subsidy culture
In the twin cities of Hyderabad
and Secunderabad, neeru (water) is scarce. Like
so many other Indian cities, water supply from government
facilities through pipes has been extremely poor
one to three times a week, depending on the area you live
in and the number of influential people in the neighbourhood.
Residents buy water at rates as high as Rs 400 per tanker
of 10,000 litres. The groundwater table has fallen drastically
due to overexploitation of underground aquifers. To address
this problem, a plan to harvest rainwater was initiated
by the state government in 1998, which was included in
May 2000 in the Neeru Meeru (Water and You) programme
of the state government.
The Hyderabad Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HWSSB)
was entrusted the task of implementing the programme in
the residential and commercial complexes under a Rainwater
Harvesting Cell (RWC). Other agencies that were involved
included the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA),
the department of roads and buildings and the Municipal
Corporation of Hyderabad (MCH). Private individuals were
encouraged to take up the work. A 100 day crash programme
was initiated to promote the same. In 1999 water harvesting
was made compulsory for all new buildings bigger than
300 sq m. However, no time limit was set for these guidelines.
The response from the people has been indifferent. There
are two things, one is the failure to motivate the public
and the other is the failure of pilot experiments in assessing
the needs of the people, says D Muralidharan, a
scientist with the National Geophysical Research Institute.
J V Mukhedkar, the HWSSB official in charge of the RWC,
disagrees: The campaign has not been a failure.
In response to a 1998 advertisement in the newspapers,
Padmashali Nagar, a colony in the Hyderabad, took it upon
itself to work in this area. About 60-70 people, who had
done the work, are benefiting each year. The people are
responding slowly.
One aspect of the programme that has come in for severe
criticism is the issue of subsidy. The regulations laid
down that any residents association interested in
water harvesting, is entitled to 50 per cent subsidy from
the HWSSB for the work. The government buys the construction
materials through contractors that it appoints. They
want the people to first pay their share of 50 per cent,
after which the government contributes it half in the
form of construction materials through contractors,
says C H Ramachandriah, social scientist with the Centre
for Economic and Social Studies (CESS). This policy
is keeping the people from coming forth. They cannot trust
the government in the case of materials which might just
be spurious, explains Arun K Patnaik, economist
at CESS. They suggest that instead of the materials being
brought by the government, the residents should be allowed
to pay for these when the contractors bring them, saving
the residents the problem of spurious material. |
Source: Down To Earth, January 15, 2000
October 31, 2000 |
Nafisa Barot
Utthan, Ahmedabad