Yudhavir Singh
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 500 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 257 cubic metre (m3) or 2,57,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The runoff from the rooftop and driveway is harvested using an abandoned 12 metres deep dugwell with a 55 m3 capacity.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in the year 1999 at a cost of Rs. 1,500, which was mainly utilized for the construction of diversion channels connected to the dugwells.
There has been an improvement in the yield of tubewell and the groundwater quality.
Impact: There has been an improvement in the yield of tubewell and the groundwater quality.
Contact Person:
Yudhavir Singh, G 59,
East of Kailash, New Delhi
Phone: 51325086, 9810001086
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Divya Sehgal
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 165 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 86 cubic metre (m3) or 86,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The rooftop runoff is recharged using 1 m x 1 m x 2 m recharge pit with 37.5 metre deep abandoned tubewell with 200 mm diameter MS pipe. Particial sand and pebbles/boulder is used for filtering the runoff before recharging.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in the year 2006 at a cost of Rs 12,000.
Impact: Recharged the entire runoff from recent rains.
Contact Person:
Divya Sehgal
E-336, Greater Kailash – I,
New Delhi
Phone: (011) 26419774, 51634096, 9313307773
Project designed by:
Centre for Science and Environment,
41, Institutional Area, Tughlaqabad,
New Delhi - 110062
Phone: 29955124/125, 29956394
E mail: water@cseindia.org
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Ruchi Singhal
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 300 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 94 cubic metre (m3) or 94,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The residence has a combination of storage and recharge structures for harvesting the rainwater. Runoff harvested from the rooftop and the driveway is stored in a tank of 12,000 litres capacity. A recharge pit with 20 metre deep borewell is used to recharge the overflow from the storage tank. Gravel filter system is used to filter the harvested water before recharging.
The stored water is used for gardening, car washing and floor washing purposes. The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in the year 2004 at a cost of Rs 15,000.
Impact: There has been a reported improvement in the groundwater level and the yield of neighbours tubewell as the house does not have a tubewell.
Contact Person:
Ruchi Singhal
G-92, Saket, New Delhi
Phone: 9811206903, 55658273
Project designed by:
Centre for Science and Environment,
41, Institutional Area, Tughlaqabad,
New Delhi - 110062
Phone: 29955124/125, 29956394
Email: water@cseindia.org
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Sanjay Bhalla
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 776 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 270 cubic metre (m3) or 2,70,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
Runoff harvested from the rooftop, paved areas and storm water drain is used to recharge the sub soil. The water is harvested using a recharge chamber with a recharge tubewell. Gravel filter system with three layers of filtering material with one extra layer of cinder is being used to filter the harvested water before recharging.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in the year 2002 at a cost of Rs. 60,000.
Impact: There has been an improvement in the yield of tubewell and the groundwater quality.
Contact Person:
Sanjay Bhalla
A-8, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi
Phone: (011) 2435158, 9811032815
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Ajay Kharbanda
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 111 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 26 cubic metre (m3) or 26,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting System
The rainwater harvested from the rooftop is collected in a storage tank of size 3.36 m x 2.20 m x 0.50 m. The storage tank is connected to a tubewell of 25 metre depth (18 metre PVC pipe 7 metre blank). Water stored in the tank is used for bathing and washing purposes and the overflow is diverted to the tubewell for recharging the ground water.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in the year 2001 at a cost of Rs. 20,000.
Impact:There has been an improvement in the groundwater quality and the yield of tubewell.
Contact Person:
Ajay Kharbanda
F 29, Kirti Nagar,
New Delhi – 110015
Phone: 9810855604
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Baljit Singh Tyagi
Rainwater Harvesting Potential
Catchment area – 12,000 square metres (sq. m)
Average annual rainfall in New Delhi – 577.8 millimetre (mm)
Total water available from rainfall – 2520 cubic metre (m3) or 25,20,000 litres
Rainwater Harvesting SystemM
The rainwater harvested from the rooftop and the road is being collected in storage tanks of 15,000 and 1.5 lakh litres capacity respectively. The water harvested from the road is being used for irrigational purposes. The water harvested from the rooftop is used for domestic purposes.
The rainwater harvesting structure was completed in two phases. The structure for harvesting water from the road was completed in the year 1998 at a cost of Rs one lakh. The rooftop rainwater harvesting system was completed in 2002 at a cost of Rs 25,000.00.
Impact: The stored water is enough for watering the plants in the farm throughout the year. The water harvesting system presents an example of on-farm water management in the areas where groundwater is depleting and brackish making it unsuitable for irrigational purposes also.
Contact Person:
Baljit Singh Tyagi
A 2/16, Janakpuri, Tyagi farm,
Rewela village, Najafgarh,
New Delh -110016
Phone: 9313513700
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