Rozam village, Dahod district
A small village with an area of 68 acres is situated on the Rozam rivulet. In this village the community in association with N M Sadguru Water and Development Foundation, Dahod, a NGO constructed eight check dams and a percolation pond at a cost of Rs 10,34,000. The wells are recharged. The village has sufficient drinking and irrigation has increased the profit margin of farmers.

It is also interesting to find that the villagers are very progressive in this area and they have started water efficient devices like the sprinkler and drip. Sprinkler and drip systems are installed in about 37 plots.

The Village has shown special interest in horticulture and floriculture. The villagers have developed orchards on more than 200 plots, floriculture on 57 plots. Tikka Bhai who has a floriculture field in his 20 gunta land (half a acre) cultivates mainly rose, marigold and spider lily. He says, "I have invested Rs 10,000 for installing the sprinkler system and earning Rs 60,000 to Rs 65,000 in a season" Pratap Singh a farmer from the village says, "I have made an investment of Rs 50,000 for making a bore well. The water is at 300 feet and used for rose cultivation in about half an acre land with sprinkler system. 50 per cent cost is borne by government 25 per cent by Sadguru and rest 25 per cent by farmers. Earlier we were cultivating maize and wheat but now by doing floriculture our earning has increased. I have made a profit of Rs 40,000 this year by growing rose on half a acre land."
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